
  • Self-biased amplifier, large signal
    This just in.... we have some data on a self-biased amplifier where the current drops when it is saturated. I guess this is yet another good reason NOT to use the self-biased trick on a power amp or driver amp... as the power will be limited by the shift in quiescent point.
  • Silver Plated Brass Screws for tuning
    Jim... we will put this into the monthly email blast. Hopefully get someone's attention!
  • Microstrip TEM Mode
    That is too hard of a question for me! Can you simulate it in HFSS? Also, if there was a way to make "air microstrip" I think we could call it TEM at last. Maybe we could use magnetic levitation to hold up the conductor.

  • Group delay in a receiver
    OK, I think I get it. The reason I asked is because of an "Excel mixer" I am playing with. Here is a page on it, it is still a mess

    when I "mix" and amplifier's S-parameters to another frequency using high-side LO and look at group delay it is negative. But that is not a physical thing, just a figment of a slightly bogus way to simulate a receiver, right?

  • LNA Characterization
    yes this is possible. You need to calibrate the equipment without the LNA, then insert it, and then measure the difference in output signal.

    Be careful to NOT saturate the LNA. I recommend that the input signal be 10 dB (or more) below the input one-dB compression. Good question, and good luck!

  • Coupler Design Question
    You need to make the lines 1/4 wave long at center frequency
    You should plot S11, S22, S23 and S24. The rest of the parameters will be repeats of these due to symmetry. You can make a goal of -20 dB at band center for all of them.
    The widths of the lines should correspond to 71 ohms. ADS should be able to calculate the line widths and quarterwave lengths for you.
    That should get you started

    This seems like a homework assignment...

  • Seeking the original reference for a microstrip line impedance formula
    II downloaded the Grieg and Engelmann paper, the formula is not in it. I also grabbed a few others from the 1950s, but no luck. Grieg and Engelmann were ITT employees, and microstrip was an ITT technology. The authors of the ITT reference data might have had access to memos that we will never find... I might do a little more digging.
  • Seeking the original reference for a microstrip line impedance formula
    Found it in ITT's reference data for radio engineers, 1983, sixth edition, page 24-25.
    The formula came from D.D. Grieg and H.F. Engelmann, "Microstrip - New Transmission Technique for the Kilo-Megacycle Range, proceedings for IRE, Vol. 40, Dec. 1952. There are other reference, let me know if they are needed,

    I will download that paper later to check it out.

    Cool stuff, I like microwave history.

  • Seeking the original reference for a microstrip line impedance formula
    I downloaded the Arditi microstrip paper from 1955, he did not show this formula. See:

    I have some old books gathering mold in a box somewhere, I will find them an get an answer to this question.

  • Coupler Design Question
    Bandwidth is probably the most important question as some approaches are only good for narrow band.
    Also, you should consider if the outputs need to have the same transmission phase...

  • How do you document your design work?
    Back in the day, companies would provide design notebooks, and even encourage engineers to have witnesses sign pages that revealed new designs (for consideration in patents). Some changes in patent law probably caused the death of that practice. I still like drawing with a #2 pencil on Ampad Quadrille paper. Like on this page

    It seems archaic that people actually write stuff down, but I still do. Sad to admit this but I write on the nearest scrap of paper, like an opened envelope... if it is important I will enter it somewhere in computerland. If it sits around long enough I will forget what I was thinking and it will be thrown away. My handwriting is so poor I often cannot make out what I was thinking!

    Most engineers don't use tablets, because they need to carry around a laptop to process data.

    I have no real expertise in apps, but sharepoint (word, powerpoint), google docs, helpdesk... there are many ways to document designs. Collaborative tools help speed up the design process but are open to malicious intent or accidental misuse, or VPN issues. There is an entire cottage industry that will tell you what the best process is, even though the proponents have never designed anything useful in their lives.

    I would be interested in hearing from other people on this topic.

  • If 1.85 mm and 2.4mm connectors mate together then why would someone buy a 1.85mm to 2.4mm adaptor?
    This might be milking mice, but the 2.4mm will have slightly less loss than the 1.85mm....
  • SMPM connector calibration?
    Thanks to you both

    I think I will stay away from trying to calibrate to that interface, and somehow model the adapter and subtract it off as an S-parameter file or maybe just a linear model. I am no expert on time domain but it seems like when you gate out a reflection the improvement sometimes too good to be true... This is not for device characterization, more like an acceptance test. A good design should have plenty of room for error, right?

    I think about an acceptance test at a previous employer where phase tracking was needed over wideband. The operator was trained to misalign the GPO until it met the spec, then hit the save button... yikes.

  • Microstrip TEM Mode
    I update the that page slightly, how does this look?

  • Complex characteristic impedance
    My experience with Microwave Office is that they just throw away the imaginary part of the impedance in transmission line calculations. Sorry I am no help!

  • Distribution of projects vs frequency
    Yole seems to be the most-cited microwave researcher

    Of course, you have to pay for more than just a taste of the data! Other than that, I don't have any inputs. Except that 5G frequencies are very popular these days.

  • Frequency selective power limiter
    I agree, you need a diplexer to split the signals, then operate on them independently

  • Surface roughness and phase delay

    Thanks for this post! I never considered the effect of surface roughness on propagation delay, but it makes sense. This deserves a new page on Microwaves101.

    I personally think we should also start a page on "how printed circuit boards ruined my career".


  • Maximally-Flat Impedance Transformers
    I am not an antenna designer.... but isn't part of antenna design creating some type of match closer to 50 ohms internal to the antenna? Or maybe just accepting that 3:1 or 4:1 mismatch is good enough?

    I agree there that trying to realize 300 ohm in anything but twin lead. Then how will you get twin lead at all the various impedances indicated by the max flat transformer? Eight sections is going to be very long at this frequency band.

    How about using a simple "twelfth-wave" transformer?

    Best of luck in any case, and thanks for engaging here!



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