• Wideband MMIC DA amplifier biasing
    I have never designed a distributed amplifier so I don't have any great suggestions except look at spiral inductors for the drain supply line.... also, if you send me an email I can send you a presentation that you might find valuable

  • Options for low gain flat bandwidth amplifier
    The best way to find what you need is to go to EverythingRF and type in the freq band (in MHz) and you will see more options than you will ever need. Hopefully this link retains the search parameters (freq 4000-8000 MHz, gain 4-6 dB)


    NOt all companies have their products on EverythingRF. fRor low gain amps you can look at Miller Microwave


    Engin-IC has some tasty amps as well.


    I hope this helps
  • Working out the dimensions of an 'end launch' waveguide to coax transition
    My advice is to buy a used one, hack it open and try to scale the dimensions to the band of interest. Then use HFSS to check performance....

  • Tuning L and C
    This really is the art of microwaves, knowing what to touch and what to leave alone. Some people might look on a Smith Chart to see which direction to move reflection coefficient(s). Others may use trial and error. I often use an optimizer in Microwave Office to get the response I want. The thing that helps the most is experience, which you should be building on now.
  • Capturing the microwaves...
    I think the simple answer is that many antenna elements need to be used to cover the area. Or perhaps multiple reflectors that focus energy to a small number of antennas.

    of course, the farther from the source, the more antennas will e needed.

    Good luck!
  • Lumped Element Filter SW?
    Also, call me a conspiracist, but...

    I am always suspicious of on-line filter calculators, as a possible means of intelligence gathering. If you work at Boeing, Lockheed, NG, Raytheon, etc. I would expect that a lot of those sites are blocked.
  • Lumped Element Filter SW?
    http://tonnesoftware.com/ also has some nice freeware. One problem is that parasitics of lumped elements are not taken into account in any freeware I have seen.
  • Modified Wilkinson HFSS
    That is an interesting network, is it published somewhere? I don't know HFSS well enough to help with that, but maybe you need to consider how far the cables are from ground. The outer jacket of one of the cables will be hot with RF energy, allowing it to be close to ground may change the result do you have a 3D image we can look at?

  • EMScan belly up?
    I did some checking around. That firm seems to have disappeared without a trace. If anyone knows if there is another company picking up the product line please let us know and we can add it to where-are-they-now.

    A guy I knew long ago used to say "chicken today, feather pillow tomorrow". Maybe we can identify this particular pillow!



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